CE 5620 – Advanced Steel Structures
3 credits. Lecture. Metal plasticity; plastic hinging and plastic analysis of beams; bolted and welded connections; seismic lateral load resisting systems; prequalified moment-resisting connections; blast design considerations for steel structures, term project. Syllabus
CE 5380 – Bridge Structures
3 credits. Lecture. Common types of bridges; AASHTO bridge loads; design of composite plate girders; fatigue; design of bridge substructure; design project. Syllabus
CE 5090 – Advanced Topics in Civil Engineering: Seismic Design of Bridge Structures
3 credits. Lecture. Prerequisite: CE 3630, CE 3640, CE 4610, CE 4542. Seismic design of bridge structures. Advanced structural analysis. This course relies heavily on project-based learning. Students work in groups to deliver design calculations in Mathcad, technically sound analytical models, and professional drawings and details. Syllabus
CE 4920W – Civil Engineering Projects II
2 credits. Two 3-hour discussion periods. Prerequisite: CE 4900W and ENGL 1010 or 1011 or 2011; open only to junior and senior Civil Engineering majors. Design of civil engineering projects. Students working singly or in groups to implement previously developed proposals for civil engineering design projects from first concepts through preliminary proposals, sketches, cost estimations, design, evaluation, consideration of realistic constraints such as economic, environmental, social, political, ethical, health and safety, manufacturability, and sustainability, oral presentation and written reports.
CE 4900W – Civil Engineering Projects I
2 credits. Two 3-hour discussion periods. Prerequisite or Corequisite: CE 2210; CE 2410; CE 2710; CE 3110; CE 3510; ENVE 2310; and ENVE 3120; Prerequisite: ENGL 1010 or 1011 or 2011; open only to junior and senior Civil Engineering majors. Issues in the practice of civil and environmental engineering: management, business, public policy, leadership, importance of professional licensure, professional ethics, procurement of work, law/contracts, insurance/liability, global/societal issues (e.g., sustainable development, product life cycle), and construction management. Students working singly or in groups prepare proposals for civil engineering design projects, oral presentation and written reports.
CE 3630 – Design of Steel Structures
4 credits. Lecture and Laboratory. Prerequisite: CE 3110; enrollment in the College of Engineering. Steel material and structural shapes; LRFD and ASD design philosophies; design of steel members for tension, compression, bending, and combined effects of axial forces and bending moments; design of simple connections; design project. Syllabus
CE 2110 – Applied Mechanics I
3 credits. Fundamentals of statics using vector methods. Resolution and composition of forces; equilibrium of force systems; analysis of forces acting on structures and machines; centroid; moment of inertia. Syllabus